Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Product Review Safety Pumice Perch

I've seen these in cages before but wasn't quite sure about them. The Safety Pumice Perch, manufactured by Sweet Feet & Beak is a hard plastic nail grooming perch. It it smooth on the top and bottom as to not rub your bird's feet, with a sandy texture on both sides to help blunt the nails.

I've been curious about them and thought they might be good in my weaning cages so I bought a few of them. Two small and one medium. I wanted to see the size difference between the two and figure out which birds they would be best for.

I put the small size in my young caiques cage. They took to it right away and I was pleasantly surprised to find that it groomed the nails quite nicely. The perch was easy for the young birds to grip. They were immediately comfortable on it. These perches are very lightweight - especially compared to the cement grooming perches we are used to using! So they would work well in the smaller cages as well.

I also placed this perch in my green cheek conures cage. They reacted the same way. Got right on it and were comfortable on it. The rough surface on the sides gave them a good grip and once again it helped blunt those needle sharp nail tips that babies have!

The medium perch, I put in my amazon's cage. She was a little leery of it at first (she is used to natural branches in her cage) but once she got on it, she seemed to like it. She is a good sized yellow nape amazon, so although the medium fit her feet okay, I think the large size would work a little better.

These perches only attach to vertical bars, so that is something to keep in mind.

All in all, I would give this product a thumbs up. These perches do a good job grooming the nails, are very lightweight and easy to attach to the cage. I definitely plan on purchasing more!

1 comment:

  1. That's great. I bought two safety pumice perches for Felicity a while ago, because I'd heard that the regular ones could be hard on the pads of their feet.
